J1 Radio Button
The J1 radio button indicates log messages are sent to another AZedit session connected serially over the J1 port.
NOTE: The only AZedit session allowed to configure the log destinations is the session currently configured as the start destination for log messages or the main serial connection connected to J1 of the ADAM MC breakout panel. Restrictions can be set up for the AZedit destination session to restrict access to the Configure Logging window.
J9 Radio Button
The J9 radio button indicates log messages are sent to another AZedit session connected serially over the J9 port.
J10 Radio Button
The J10 radio button indicates log messages are sent to another AZedit session connected serially over the J10 port.
Ethernet Radio Button
The Ethernet radio button indicates log messages are sent to another AZedit session connected over Ethernet.
IP Address Field
The IP Address field is used to enter the IP Address of the computer running the AZedit session you want to send log messages to over Ethernet.
All Frames Radio Button
The All Frames radio button is used to apply all changes made to the Log Configuration to all frames connected to this frame.
This Frame Only Radio Button
The This Frame Only radio button is used to allow the log destination for each frame to be different.
NOTE: The overall log status (enabled or disabled) applies to all frames.