General Description
A single TBX-Tribusfiber card can link up to eight (8) ADAM frames. This makes it possible to increase the number of available users on a system by transparently integrating additional frames. The ADAM frame must be equipped with an MCII-e Master Controller card (version 2.0.4 or later), allows the TBX-Tribus to link together multiple frames, thereby allowing users to quickly connect multiple ADAM intercom systems. This functionality can be useful in mobile production scenarios to tie systems together via fiber using the digital audio of the TBX-Tribus. In this scenario, the MCII-e Master Controllers are tied together via Ethernet connections. In a failure of the Ethernet connection of one frame, the affected ADAM can be automatically isolated as an autonomous frame, and the remaining frame(s) function as a normal interconnected system. The TBX-Tribus works in both AIO-8 and AIO-16 frame environments with simple software settings in AZedit intercom software. The TBX-Tribus card comes with a fiber connection only, allowing a range of up to 24.8 miles (40km) between ADAM frames. The TBX-Tribus surpasses the DBX (Dual Bus Expansion) card with its superior channel capability, transmitting 256 channels of audio, rather than the 128 channels supported by DBX.
Version Requirements
•MCII-e version 2.0.4 or later
•AZedit version 3.6.1 or later