In Linux
1When the Administrator Login window appears, type in “root” in the login field and enter the system password.
2 Insert the printer software
3Click the icon at the bottom of the screen. When the terminal screen appears, type in:
[root@local /root]# cd /mnt/cdrom(the
[root@local cdrom]# gv manual/EnGuide.pdf
NOTE: If your ghostscript version is old, you may not be able to see the pdf file. Then, install Acrobat Reader on your system or try to read the User’s Guide on a Windows system.
1.Click the icon at the bottom of the screen. When the terminal screen appears, type in:
[root@local /root]# cd /mnt/cdrom(the
[root@local cdrom]# manual/acrobat4/INSTALL 
2.After reading the license agreement, type accept.
3.When you are asked of the installation directory, just type the enter key.
4.You need to make a symbolic link to execute Acrobat Reader without full path:
[root@local cdrom] # ln
5.Now, you can read the pdf files with Acrobat Reader. [root@local cdrom]# acroread /mnt/cdrom/manual/