ELECTRICAL DATA S3C8245/P8245/C8249/P8249
Table 19-7. A/D Converter Electrical Characteristics
(TA = -25 °C to +85 °C, VDD = 2.7 V to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V)
Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Resolution – 10 – bit
Total accuracy VDD = 5.12 V
AVREF = 5.12 V
AVSS = 0 V
Integral Linearity
Error ILE CPU clock = 10 MHz ±2
Differential Linearity
Error DLE ±1
Offset Error of Top EOT ±1±3
Offset Error of
Bottom EOB ±0.5 ±2
Conversion time (1) tCON – 40 – fxx
Analog input voltage VIAN AVSS AVREF V
Analog input
impedance RAN 2 1000 – M
Analog reference
voltage AVREF 2.5 VDD V
Analog ground AVSS VSS VSS + 0.3
Analog input current IADIN AVREF = VDD = 5 V 10 uA
Analog block
current (2) IADC AVREF = VDD = 5 V –13mA
AVREF = VDD = 3 V 0.5 1.5
When power down mode
100 500 nA
1. 'Conversion time' is the time required from the moment a conversion operation starts until it ends.
2. IADC is an operating current during A/D conversion.