Pomoću aparata za vodu možete lako dobiti hladnu vodu bez otvaranja vrata frižidera.

• Podignite nosač za

limenke ( 1 ). 1

Podignite i izvucite



posudu za vodu ( 2 ).





Uhvatite drške sa obe



strane da biste podigli



posudu za vodu.



Očistite unutrašnjost posude za vodu pre nego


što je upotrebite prvi put.


Napunite posudu za vodu vodom tako da bude u stabilnom položaju, pazeći na slavinu.

-- Napunite sa ne više od 4,5 l vode. Ako sipate više, voda se može preliti pri stavljanju poklopca.

-- Ako voda kaplje nakon prvog punjenja rezervoara za vodu, dospite još oko 500 ml vode.

-- Nije moguće napuniti posudu vodom dok je u frižideru.

• 1. način

-- Sipajte vodu otvaranjem i skidanjem okruglog poklopca u smeru strelice.

Okrugli poklopac

Rezervoar za vodu

Slavina aparata za vodu

• 2. način

-- Sipajte vodu nakon što skinete veliki poklopac.

Nakon što očistite posudu za vodu, pri OPREZ vraćanju pazite na slavinu aparata. Može

izazvati curenje vode.

Zatvorite vrata frižidera nakon vraćanja posude za vodu.

-- Uverite se da je slavina posude za vodu sa spoljne strane kada zatvorite vrata.

Dobro pričvrstite posudu OPREZ za vodu u vrata frižidera.

U suprotnom posuda možda neće dobro da funkcioniše.

Nemojte koristiti frižider bez stavljene posude za vodu. U suprotnom možete imati problem sa efikasnošću.

U posudu za vodu ne sipajte ništa osim OPREZ mineralne ili destilovane vode.

Stavite čašu ispod otvora za vodu i njome pažljivo gurnite polugu aparata za vodu.

Čašu uspravite da biste sprečili prskanje vode.

Proverite da li je brava podešena na OPREZ „otključano”.

Voda može da se ispušta samo u ovom položaju.

Ručica aparata za vodu



Police frižidera pri vraćanju stavite na OPREZ odgovarajuća mesta i to tako da ne stoje

naopako. To može prouzrokovati povrede ili materijalnu štetu.

Pri vraćanju polica pazite da oznaka „Front” (napred) bude okrenuta ka prednjoj strani frižidera.

26_ uputstvo

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Samsung RB31FERNDSA/EF manual Korišćenje Aparata ZA Vodu Opciono, Uklanjanje Unutrašnjih Delova, Izazvati curenje vode


Samsung offers a diverse range of refrigerators, among which the models RB29FERNDSA/EF, RB29HSR2DWW/EF, RB29HSR2DSA/EF, RB31FERNDEF/EF, and RB31FWRNDSA/EF stand out for their innovative features and modern technologies. These appliances are designed to enhance the user experience while ensuring convenience and energy efficiency.

The RB29FERNDSA/EF model features a sleek, modern design with a capacity of 290 liters, providing ample storage for groceries and beverages. It is equipped with Samsung's No Frost technology, preventing ice build-up and ensuring that users don't have to defrost their refrigerator manually. Additionally, it includes multi-vent technology that helps maintain an even temperature throughout the fridge, ensuring food freshness.

Next, the RB29HSR2DWW/EF model comes with a stylish stainless steel finish and offers an efficient energy rating, helping to reduce energy consumption while maintaining optimal cooling performance. The Smart Eco system allows users to customize cooling settings based on usage patterns, optimizing energy use without sacrificing food preservation.

The RB29HSR2DSA/EF is another excellent model featuring a similar design and technology. It boasts Power Cool and Power Freeze functions for rapid cooling or freezing of items. The model also incorporates a digital inverter compressor, which adjusts its power based on cooling demand, leading to quieter operation and reduced energy bills.

Moving to the RB31FERNDEF/EF, this refrigerator offers a larger capacity and is ideal for families. Its Twin Cooling Plus technology maintains separate airflow between the fridge and freezer, preventing cross-contamination of odors. Users will appreciate the easy-to-clean shelves and spacious compartments, which allow for organized storage.

Lastly, the RB31FWRNDSA/EF model is notable for its energy efficiency and stylish glass doors. This model includes innovative cooling solutions that ensure even temperatures while providing smart storage options. This range of refrigerators combines cutting-edge technology, energy efficiency, and stylish design, making them suitable for modern kitchens.

In summary, Samsung's RB series refrigerators, including the RB29FERNDSA/EF, RB29HSR2DWW/EF, RB29HSR2DSA/EF, RB31FERNDEF/EF, and RB31FWRNDSA/EF, truly exemplify the brand's commitment to quality, innovation, and user convenience, offering consumers a wide array of options to suit their kitchen needs.