





Battery level display


Zobrazení stavu nabití baterie


The battery level display indicates the amount of power

Displej stavu nabití baterie zobrazuje zb˘vající mnoÏství

remaining in the battery pack.

energie v baterii.

a.Fully charged

b.20~40% used

c.40~80% used

d.80~95% used

e.Completely used (flickers)

(The camcorder will turn off soon, change the battery as soon as possible)






a.Baterie zcela nabita

b.Vybitá z 20 ~ 40 %

c.Vybitá z 40 ~ 80 %

d.Vybitá z 80 ~ 95 %

e.Zcela vybitá (indikátor bliká).

(Kamera se brzy vypne, baterii vymûÀte co nejdfiíve).

Please refer to the table on page 25 for approximate continuous recording times.

The recording time is affected by environmental temperature and conditions.

The recording time becomes very short in a cold environment. The continuous recording times in the operating instructions are measured using a fully charged battery pack at 77°F(25°C).

As the environmental temperature and conditions may differ when you actually use the camcorder, the remaining battery time may not be the same as the approximate continuous recording times given in these instructions.

Podívejte se prosím do tabulky na stranû 25 na pfiibliÏné doby nepfietrÏitého záznamu.

Doba záznamu závisí na teplotû okolí a okolních podmínkách. Doba záznamu se velmi zkracuje v chladném prostfiedí.

Doby nepfietrÏitého záznamu uvedené v provozních pokynech jsou mûfieny pfii pouÏití plnû nabité baterie pfii teplotû 25°C

(77°F). ProtoÏe se okolní teplota a podmínky mohou li‰it v dobû, kdy kameru skuteãnû pouÏíváte, zb˘vající doba funkãnosti baterie nemusí b˘t stejná, jako jsou pfiibliÏné doby nepfietrÏitého záznamu uvedené v tûchto pokynech.

Tips for Battery Identification

A charge mark is provided on the battery pack to help you remember whether it has been charged or not.

Two colours are provided (red and grey)-you may choose which one indicates charged and which indicates discharged.


Tipy k identifikaci baterií

Na akumulátorové baterii je umístûna znaãka, která vám pomÛÏe zjistit, zda je baterie nabita ãi nikoliv.

K dispozici jsou dvû barvy (ãervená a ‰edá) a je na vás, která z barev bude znamenat nabitou baterii a která vybitou.

Page 26
Image 26
Samsung VP-D21i Preparation Pfiíprava, Battery level display, Tips for Battery Identification, Tipy k identifikaci baterií

VP-D20, VP-D21, VP-D21i, VP-D20i specifications

The Samsung VP-D20i, VP-D21i, VP-D21, and VP-D20 are part of Samsung's compact camcorder lineup, designed to cater to users seeking portability without compromising performance. These models were well-equipped with features that appealed to both amateur and semi-professional videographers.

At the heart of these camcorders is a high-resolution CCD sensor, which ensures vibrant color reproduction and excellent detail capture. The sensor’s ability to perform well in various lighting conditions allows users to shoot both indoors and outdoors with confidence. With a resolution often reaching up to 800,000 pixels, these camcorders produce sharp and clear images, enabling users to document special moments with ease.

One of the standout features of these models is the 34x digital zoom capability that allows for close-up shots without losing quality. This feature proves invaluable for capturing distant subjects, making it ideal for filming events like concerts or wildlife. Furthermore, some models also included an optical zoom enhancement, giving users a versatile tool to expand their creative options.

The VP-D20i and VP-D21i were particularly known for their user-friendly interfaces. With an intuitive menu system and an easy-to-navigate control layout, these camcorders catered to users of all skill levels. The bright LCD screen provided a clear view for framing shots and playback, enhancing the overall user experience.

In addition to standard video capabilities, these camcorders supported the use of Smart Media and SD cards for storage, allowing for expandable memory options. This made it effortless for users to store large amounts of footage without needing to transfer files constantly. The option of easy connectivity through USB ports facilitated seamless transfers to computers for editing or sharing.

The build quality of the VP-D20i, VP-D21i, VP-D21, and VP-D20 models was commendable, featuring a lightweight and compact design that made them highly portable. This attribute was particularly appreciated by users who needed a reliable device for travel or on-the-go shooting.

In summary, the Samsung VP-D20i, VP-D21i, VP-D21, and VP-D20 camcorders are characterized by their high-resolution CCD sensors, impressive zoom capabilities, user-friendly interfaces, expandable storage options, and portable designs. Together, these features made them popular choices among consumers looking to create high-quality video content without the complexity often associated with professional-grade equipment.