4 Press the SET button. | ShootingIintervalI6hrs: |
œ The Video Clip Interval Shooting Setting Screen appears.
5 Set the interval shooting parameters.
œ Set the interval between “INTimages.” andatthe
length of the final video clip at “DUR.”
œThe number of frames will change according toFRAMEthe 00150 video clip length and the frame rate setting. Use this
value as a reference. | NumberIofIframes |
Performing the settings at the Video Clip Interval
Shooting Setting Screen
To change a setting:jPressorl
To move to the next item:c Press
To move to the previous item:d Press
To cancel the settings and return to the Shooting
Setting Screen: Press the MODE button
œThe interval can be set from 10 seconds to 9 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds.
œThe length of the video clip can be between 1 and 999 frames, depending on the remaining disk space.
If“ ERROR” appears at step 4 |
| |||
| ||||
| |||
œ This error message tells you that the temporary | data | ERROR |
video clip interval shooting or animation shootingDATA(seeEXISTpage |
| |||||
107) already exists in the digital disk camera. Either save |
| |||||
| ||||
the temporary data or erase it2(seeand3stepson pageDISCARD DATA |
| |||||
105). To start a new video clip interval | shoot | |||||
| EXIT |
| ||||
need to erase any existing temporary data. |
| |||||
| INT. 0:00:20 |
| ||||
| DUR. 0:00:04.02 |
| ||||
If“ ERROR” is displayed when the power is turned on
œIf the interval shooting was not completed properlyINTERVALdue to aMOV
reason such as the battery power running out, this error message will appear when the power is turned back on.ERROR
(This message tells you that the interval shooting was not ended properly.) Press the MODE button,1perform steps
to4 on page 101, and then perform2 stepsand3 on page 105.