4 Press the SET button.

œThis completes the voice memo setting.

œThe voice memo setting indicator appears in the right side of the monitor.

œThe voice memo setting returns to voice memo off if the mode selector dial is turned, the CAMERA/PLAY switch is changed, or the digital disk camera is turned off.

œTo exit the Still Image Shooting Setting Screen, press the MODE button.

œEven after the Still Image Shooting Setting Screen is exited, the voice memo setting indicator }will remain.


Voice memo setting indicator

5 Press the shutter release button.

œThe image is captured and then the voice memo is recorded.

œWhile the voice memo is being recording, the bicon will appear in the monitor.

œUp to a maximum of 10 seconds can be recorded.

œTo stop the recording before the 10 seconds elapses, press the shutter release button again.

œIf the shutter release button is not pressed, then the maximum 10 seconds will be recorded.

œEven after the recording is finished, the voice memo on settings remains unchanged.

Shutter release button


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œThe voice memo sound file takes up approximately one-half the disk space required by one image with resolution Pand compression ratio U.

œBesides using the built-in microphone, you can also record the voice memo by connecting the supplied microphone to the MIC input terminal. Be aware that the built-in microphone will not work when a microphone is connected to the MIC input terminal (see page 49).
