Erasing data
With your digital disk camera, if you ever make a mistake when capturing an image, filming a video clip, or recording an audio recording, or if it does not turn out as you want, or if you simply no longer need it, you can erase it. There are three methods of erasing data.
œErasing a folder and all of its contents.
œErasing a group of files (for sequential shots, this will erase the folder for o sequential shot).
œErasing files one at a time.
With still images that have a voice memo attached, you can erase only the voice me the image and voice memo together.
œSet the CAMERA/PLAY switch“PLAYto .”
œTurn the mode selector dial to the playback mode of the type of file to be erase
1 Display the file that you want to erase.
œFor images and video clips, perform the procedure“Playing givenback stillinimages” on page 52, “Playing back sequential shots” on page 57, or “Playing back video clips” on page 63 depending on the file type, and then proceed to step 2.
œFor audio recordings, perform1 to 6 stepof “Playing back audio recordings” on page 69 and then proceed to step 3.
2 Press the MODE button.
œ The Playback Setting Screen appears.
3 Press j or l on the arrow button to select the erase icon Gand press the SET button.
œ The Erase Method Selection Screen appears.
4 Press j on the arrow button to select the erase method.
28/08/2001 20:15
28/08/2001 20:15
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