Set the position of the image to added

8 Use the arrow button to set the position of the frame where the image is to be inserted.

œUse the arrow button to move the frame to the position where you want the image to be inserted.

œTo change the frame size, press the MODE button to return to step5and reset the first point.


9 Press the SET button.

œ The image appears in the frame.

Added i

Capture the image to be inserted

10 Compose the image as desired and press the shutter release button to capture the image.

œ After the image is captured, you return to the Edit

Image Screen.ÄADD PHOTO


œThe compound image is completed and is saved as EXIT the last still image.

œ To return to the Playback Setting Screen, press28/08/the



MODE button, or select“EXIT” and press the SET







If “ DISK FULL” appears

œThis indicates that there is not enough empty space on the disk to save the compo An amount of free space equal to the size of the background image is required. If save the image, you must first erase some data in order to free up some disk space 149).


œWhen capturing the image to be inserted, the flash and self-timer cannot be use the shutter sound menu settingH is(see page 119), t

œThe compression setting for the compoundUimage. is(The resolu

133H English