Recording and playing back video clips
Recording video clips
œInsert a disk (see page 30).
œTurn the power on (see page 32).
1 Put the digital disk camera in the video clip shooting | Shutter release button |
mode. | Mode display panel |
œ Set the CAMERA/PLAY switch to | Mode selector dial |
œ Turn the mode selector7. dial to |
œ If necessary, set the resolution (see page 84) and frame rate (see page 86) as desired.
2 Select which monitor to use and compose the image.
œ You can compose the image by looking through the viewfinder or by looking at the LCD monitor. See step
2 on page 50. | A | C |
| ||
E |
| |
| M |
| CAMERA/PLAY switch |
| A | ||
| R |
| P |
| |
| L |
| |
| A |
| Y |
3 Press the shutter release button.
œFor how to focus,3 onseepage 51step.
œThe video clip (video and audio recording) begins when you press the shutter release button.
œWhile the video clip is beingiconre rded,willthe appear in the monitor.
œBy having the mode display panel show the remaining recording time available for the disk, you can check the remaining amount of time available (see page 125).
4 Press the shutter release button again to stop recording.
œ Recording stopsbandiconthe disappears.
œWhen you stop recording, theappearsclock icon in the clip is being stored. During disappears, the digital di
œTo view the video clip you recorded, set“PLAYthe.” CAMERA/PLAY s