✷❈❅■ ▲❅●❅❃▼❉■❇“ S.SPEED” and pressing the RETURN button

œSets the AE with shutter speed priority. ShutterIspeedIsetting

œThe Shutter Speed Setting Screen appears. 1/250

œTurn the control dial to select the desired shutter

speed and press the RETURN button.

œThe shutter speeds that can be selected will differ depending on the current shooting mode.

Still Image Shooting Mode: 1/500 to 16 seconds

Sequential Shot Shooting Mode:

1/2000 to 1/30 seconds (resolutionPM ShutterISpeedISettingI ê 1m2000êtoRêQMorê1m15êsecondsê




œWhen the shutter speed priority AE is set, the indicator-êappearsA

✷❈❅■ ▲❅●❅❃▼❉■❇“ APERTURE” and pressing the RETURN button

œ Sets the AE with aperture priority.


œThe Aperture Setting Screen appears.

œTurn the control dial to select the desired aperture 12.9+ND

and press the RETURN button.

œWhen the ND filter is activated to reduce the passage of light,“+ND” appears to the right of the

aperture setting.

œWhen the aperture priority AE is set, the indicator



■ ✷❈❅■ ▲❅●❅❃▼❉■❇“ MANUAL” and pressing the RETURN button

œ The Manual Exposure Setting Screen appearsShutterIspeedIsetting.Apertur










œ To set the shutter speed, press the F1 button





turn the control dial.




















œ To set the aperture, press the F2 button and turn the control dial.

œAfter setting the desired shutter speed and aperture, press the RETURN button.

œWhen manual AE is set, the indic.êappearsAtor



SettingêScreenHêselectê“ PROGRAM,” and press the RETURN button.
