4 Press c on the arrow button to select the desired flash mode icon from the flash menu.
0 (automatic flash): The and use the flash w
2 (forced flash): The fl regardless of the backlight condition under fluorescent l
5 Press the SET button.
œThis completes the flash mode setting.
œPlace the flash back in the digital disk camera to set
the flash off3.mode
œThe flash mode setting is retained even if the flash is placed back in the digital disk camera, the mode selector dial is turned, the CAMERA/PLAY switch is
changed, or the digital disk camera is turned off (see page 112).
œBy setting the desired flash mode beforehand, you can turn the flash on and off by just standing up the flash and putting it back.
œTo exit the Shooting Setting Screen, press the MODE button.
6 Press the shutter release button.
œ The image is captured with the selected flash mode setting
œWith sequential shots (see page 56), video clips (see page 61 68), and interval shooting (see page 98), the flash cannot be
If capturing cannot be done after the flash is used
œCapturing cannot be performed while the flash is beingappear ch r while the flash is being rech next image.