Migration ATV21 - ATV212
The ATV212 is compatible with the ATV21
Migration Modbus ATV21 to ATV212: When controlling ATV21 using Modbus RJ45, parameter [Network protocol] (F829) should be set to 1.
With ATV212, parameter F829 should also be set to 1 and parameter [Com channel choice] (F807) set to [RJ45] (0). Factory setting is [Network] (1).
Settings of other communication parameters described in the programming manual remain the same as on ATV21.
A configuration transfer from ATV21 to ATV212 is possible.
For example:
You can upload a configuration from an ATV21 via PC Soft (and selected the drive Type : ATV21) and download it into ATV212.
After a transfer from ATV21 to ATV212, the new parameters stay at their factory setting:
[Damper fdb type] (F580), [Time open Damper] (F581), [Time close Damper] (F582) ,[Damper flt behavior] (F583),[Forced fire control] (F650), [Forced fire function] (F659), [Com channel choice] (F807), [Mdb network baud] (F820), [Mdb network parity] (F821) and
[LL for ov.cur. prev.] (F390).
The download configuration is not allowed if the drive is running.
In case of an interruption of download configuration transfer to the drive and detected fault, the CFI2 is set. This detected fault code keeps also present even after power off of the drive.
To reset the download transfer detected fault code CFI2:
zMake a new successful transfer
zMake a factory setting on the drive (using tYP parameter)
At the end of download transfer, the drive cannot run if a logic input configured to a function is active. To use the function and run the motor, it's necessary to disable and enable the logic input.
Compatible loader tool with ATV21
zPC Soft V1.0 and higher
Compatible loader tools with ATV212:
zPC Soft V1.06 and higher,
zSoMoveMobile V2.2 and higher,
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