Ensure that parts replacement, servicing & inspections, and troubleshooting are performed by the location's maintenance man or the serviceman. It is instructed herein that particularly hazardous work should be performed by the serviceman who has technical expertise and knowledge.
The location's maintenance man and serviceman are herein defined as follows:
"Location's Maintenance Man" :
Those who have experience in the maintenance of amusement equipment and vending machines, etc., and also participate in the servicing and control of the equipment through such routine work as equipment assembly and installation, servicing and inspections, replacement of units and consumables, etc. within the Amusement Facilities and or locations under the management of the Owner and Owner's Operators of the product.
Activities of Location's Maintenance Man :
Assembly & installation, servicing & inspections, and replacement of units & consumables as regards amusement equipment, vending machines, etc.
Serviceman :
Those who participate in the designing, manufacturing, inspections and maintenance service of the equipment at an amusement equipment manufacturer.
Those who have technical expertise equivalent to that of technical high school graduates as re- gards electricity, electronics and or mechanical engineering, and daily take part in the servicing & control and repair of amusement equipment.
Serviceman's Activities :
Assembly & installation and repair & adjustments of electrical, electronic and mechanical parts of amusement equipment and vending machines.
U® L 5K92