Historic Data Logging FrameworkThis portion of the meter’s configuration records ‘standard’ power system
parameters such as voltage, current, power, frequency and power factor.
Low, mean and high values are recorded for all parameters. N ote that
‘low’ and ‘high’ are different from ‘min’ and ‘max’: low and high are reset
every 15 minutes, whereas min and max are typically long-te rm
measurements that are only reset by the operator. Similarly, ‘mean’ is
reset every 15 minutes, unlike ‘average’ which is typically an instantaneous
averaging of multiple real-time measurements.
Displayed/Accessible by Default
Description of
Parameter or Function WinPM MGT
Name Module
Label Output
Register Label
Mean L-L Volts, AB lSW Demand #5 Vll ab mean Vll ab mean
Mean L-L Volts, BC lSW Demand #6 Vll bc mean Vll bc m ea n
Mean L-L Volts, CA lSW Demand #7 Vll ca mean Vll ca mean
Mean L-L Volts, average lSW Demand #8 Vll avg mean Vll avg mean
Mean Voltage Unbalance lSW Demand #9 V unbal mean V unbal mean
Mean Phase A Current lSW Demand #10 I a mean I a mean
Mean Phase B Current lSW Demand #11 I b mean I b mean
Mean Phase C Current lSW Demand #12 I c mean I c mean
Mean Average Current lSW Demand #13 I avg mean I avg mean
Mean Neutral Current lSW Demand #14 I4 mean I4 mean
Mean kW total lSW Demand #15 kW tot mean kW tot mean
Mean kVAR total lSW Demand #16 kVAR to t mean kVAR tot mean
Mean kVA total lSW Demand #17 kVA tot mean kVA tot mean
Mean Power Factor lag lSW Demand #18 PF lag mean PF lag mean
Mean Power Factor lead lSW Demand #19 PF lead mean PF lead mean
Mean Frequency lSW Demand #20 Freq mean Freq mean
High L-L Volts, AB lMaximum #20 Vll ab high Vll ab high
High L-L Volts, BC lM aximum #55 Vll bc high Vll bc high
High L-L Volts, CA lMaximum #56 Vll ca high Vll ca high
High L-L Volts, average lMaximum #33 Vll avg high Vll avg high
High Voltage Unbalance lMaximum #34 V unbal high V unbal high
High Phase A Current lMaximum #35 I a high I a high
High Phase B Current lMaximum #36 I b high I b high
High Phase C Current lMaximum #37 I c high I c high
High Average Current lMaximum #38 I avg high I avg high
High Neutral Current lMaximum #39 I4 high I4 high