Sony DSC-RX1/RX1R manual On the internal rechargeable backup battery

Models: DSC-RX1/RX1R

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Top page > Precautions/About this camera > Precautions > On the internal rechargeable backup battery

Before Use





On the internal rechargeable backup battery










This camera has an internal rechargeable battery for maintaining the date and time and other settings




Using MENU items (Shooting)


regardless of whether the power is on or off.



This rechargeable battery is continually charged as long as you are using the camera. However, if you

Using MENU items (Viewing)


use the camera for only short periods, it discharges gradually, and if you do not use the camera at all for



Changing settings


about one month it becomes completely discharged. In this case, be sure to charge this rechargeable


battery before using the camera.



Viewing images on a TV


However, even if this rechargeable battery is not charged, you can still use the camera, but the date and



time will not be indicated.

Using with your computer


Charging method of the internal rechargeable backup battery





Insert a charged battery pack in the camera, and then leave the camera for 24 hours or more with the





power off.

Precautions/About this camera


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Page 252
Image 252
Sony DSC-RX1/RX1R On the internal rechargeable backup battery, Charging method of the internal rechargeable backup battery