Sony DSC-RX1/RX1R manual Zoom Still images, Available zoom, Operation Settings

Models: DSC-RX1/RX1R

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Cyber-shot User Guide

Before Use



Using MENU items (Shooting)

Using MENU items (Viewing)

Changing settings

Viewing images on a TV

Using with your computer



Precautions/About this camera

Contents list





Top page > Shooting > Shooting still images > Zoom (Still images)

Zoom (Still images)

Available zoom

Zoom scale

Enlarge images when shooting.

1.Set the camera to shooting mode.

2.MENU 3 [Func. of C Button], [Func. of AEL button], [Func. of Left Button], [Func. of Right Button] or [Func. of Down Button] [Smart Telecon./Zoom]

3.MENU 3 [Smart Telecon./Zoom] [Zoom]

4.MENU 2 [Clear Image Zoom] desired mode

5.Press the button assigned with the function.

6.Adjust the scaling using / on the control wheel.

To adjust the scaling in larger steps, press /.

7.Press on the control wheel to return to the shooting screen, and then press the shutter button to shoot the image.

Available zoom

The camera achieves a high magnification zoom scale by combining zoom methods. The icon and zoom bar on the screen change in accordance with the zoom you use.

Zoom range

A: () Zoom with the original image quality

When [Image Size] is set to other than [L], you can shoot still images with no deterioration in the original image quality by trimming the images.

B: () [Clear Image Zoom]

Zoom with close to the original image quality [Details]

C: () [Digital Zoom]

Less than the original image quality [Details]






Zooming images


[Image Size]: Other than [L]


[Clear Image Zoom]: [Off]

without deterioration





[Digital Zoom]: [Off]


Shooting clear






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Sony DSC-RX1/RX1R manual Zoom Still images, Available zoom, Operation Settings