Sony DSC-RX1/RX1R manual Connecting the camera to the computer, Related Topic

Models: DSC-RX1/RX1R

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Top page > Using with your computer > Importing images to a computer > Connecting the camera to

Before Use


the computer








Connecting the camera to the computer







1. Connect the camera to your computer using a micro USB cable (supplied) (A).



Using MENU items (Shooting)





Using MENU items (Viewing)






Changing settings






Viewing images on a TV



Using with your computer











When connecting the camera to a computer using the micro USB cable, power feeding from the



Precautions/About this camera


computer starts if [USB Power Supply] is set to [On]. ([On] is the default setting.)



Contents list




Related Topic





USB Connection



USB LUN Setting



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Copyright 2013 Sony Corporation


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Sony DSC-RX1/RX1R manual Connecting the camera to the computer, Related Topic