Sony DSC-RX1/RX1R manual Still shooting menu

Models: DSC-RX1/RX1R

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Image 17

Using MENU items (Shooting)

Still shooting menu

Image Size

Aspect Ratio Quality Panorama: Size Panorama: Direction Clear Image Zoom Digital Zoom Long Exposure NR High ISO NR

AF Illuminator

Color Space AEL w/ shutter Memory

Still shooting menu items not available in some REC modes

Movie shooting menu

File Format Record Setting SteadyShot Auto Slow Shutter Audio Recording Wind Noise Reduct.

Movie shooting menu items not available in some REC modes

Custom menu


Red Eye Reduction

Grid Line

Auto Review

DISP Button(Monitor)

DISP Button(Finder)

Peaking Level

Peaking Color

MF Assist

Focus Magnif. Time

Live View Display

Func. of C Button

Func. of AEL button

Func. of Left Button

Func. of Right Button

Func. of Down Button

Smart Telecon./Zoom

MOVIE Button


Bracket order

Lens Comp.: Shading

Lens Comp.: Chro. Aber.

Lens Comp.: Distortion


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Image 17
Sony DSC-RX1/RX1R manual Still shooting menu