TIME CODE [Time code]: Settings related to the timecode


Description of settings







MUTING IN SRCH [> Muting]: Select whether to suppress


OFF [>> OFF]: Do not suppress.

the output from the TC OUT connector in search (jog/


*ON [>> ON]: Suppress.

shuttle) mode.


















TAPE PROTECTION [Tape protct]: Settings related to tape


Description of settings

and video head protection









0.5 SEC [>>> 0.5 sec] to 5 MIN [>>> 5 min]: Select time from

STOP]:Set the time to

timer]: Set the time to


12 settings ranging from 0.5 second to 5 minutes.

switch from stop mode to

switch from stop mode to


Factory default setting: *1 MIN [>>> 1 min]

tape protection mode.

tape protection mode.
















If the

value is set to 1 minute or more, the unit enters internal




protection mode in 1 minute, which makes start up slower.








0.5 SEC [>>> 0.5 sec] to 5 MIN [>>> 5 min]: Select time from

STILL]:Set the time to

timer]: Set the time to


12 settings ranging from 0.5 second to 5 minutes.

switch from still search

switch from still search


Factory default setting: *1 MIN [>>> 1 min]

mode to tape protection

mode to tape protection








mode. Also select the type



value is set to 1 minute or more, the unit enters internal

of tape protection mode.



If the




protection mode in 1 minute, which makes start up slower.






NEXT MODE [>> Next


*STEP FWD [>>> Step]: The tape is advanced at 1/30 times


mode]: Select the type of


normal speed for about 2 seconds.


tape protection mode to


STANDBY OFF [>>> STANDBY]: Standby off mode


follow still search mode









when the time set with


STEP FWD setting is enabled only when “STILL TIMER”


the STILL TIMER menu


• The


item elapses.


is set to less than 1 minute.




• When used in HDV format, this setting is fixed, at STANDBY















VIDEO CONTROL [Video]: Settings related to video


Description of settings







STILL MODE [> STILL mod]: Select the image to output in


*AUTO [>> Auto]: Output field 1 or field 2 as the still image,

still image mode.



according to the position the tape is stopped.




FRAME [>> Frame]: Output a full frame as the still image.




FIELD1 [>> Field 1]: Output only field 1 as the still image.




FIELD2 [>> Field 2]: Output only field 2 as the still image.














used in HDV format, this setting is fixed, at FIELD 1.




INT VIDEO SG [> Video SG]: Select the test signal to be


*75% COLOR BARS [>> 75% bar]: 75% color bar signal

output from the internal test signal generator. When SG is


100% COLOR BARS [>> 100% bar]: 100% color bar signal

selected using the VIDEO button in the video/audio input


BLACK BURST [>> BB]: Black burst signal

selection section, the internal test signal generator








outputs the selected test signal. This signal can be


COLOR BARS is displayed only when the system








frequency is set to 50i.




STD/NON-STD [> STD/N-STD]: Select the STD or NON-STD


*FORCED STD [>> STD]: The STD mode is always used

mode in accordance with the composite video or S-video


(forced STD mode).




FORCED NON-STD [>> NON-STD]: Use this setting when the




input video signal is unstable (forced NON-STD mode).




OUT REF SEL [> Out Ref]: Select the reference video signal


*REF VIDEO [>> REF]: Use the signal input to a REF. VIDEO

to use.



IN (SD/HD) connector as the reference video signal. The




input video signal to be edited is required to be in




synchronization with the reference video signal.




INPUT VIDEO [>> INPUT]: Use the input video signal selected




with the VIDEO button in the video/audio input selection











Menus 7 Chapter

Menu Contents 79