Playing Repeatedly

— Repeat Play


Jog lever

Playing back one message repeatedly

— One Message Repeat

During playback, press the jog lever for more than one second.

“ will be displayed and the selected message will be played back repeatedly.


￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿S P

￿￿￿￿0H 01M 43S

To resume normal playback

Press the jog lever again. To stop playback, press STOP button.

Playing back the specified section repeatedly

A-B Repeat

While playing back a message, you can set the start (A) and end (B) points for a section you want to play repeatedly.

1 Press A-B REPEAT / PRIORITY button briefly during the playback.

The starting point (A) of the section you want to play repeatedly is set. "A-B B?" will be displayed on the screen.

￿￿￿A-B ￿B? ￿￿￿

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿S P

￿￿￿￿0H 02M 43S

2 Press A-B REPEAT / PRIORITY button briefly again.

The finishing point (B) of the section is set. "A-B REPEAT" will be displayed on the screen and the specified section will play repeatedly.


￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿S P

￿￿￿￿0H 02M 43S


You cannot set A-B Repeat for a section that overlaps two or more messages.

If you do not set the finishing point (B), the finishing point is set automatically at the ending point (or beginning point) of the message.

1If you set the finishing point ahead of the starting point by reviewing, the section is played from the finishing point (B) to the starting point


1You can reset the points of the section of A-B Repeat by pressing A-B REPEAT / PRIORITY button during A-B Repeat play.

To resume normal playback

Press the jog lever. To stop playback, press STOP button.


Page 20
Image 20
Sony ICD-MS1 Playing Repeatedly Repeat Play, Playing back one message repeatedly One Message Repeat, 0H 01M 43S