Other Functions

Playing Back a

Message at a Desired Time with an Alarm

You can sound an alarm and start playback of a selected message at a desired time.

You can use this function to remind you of the date and time of a meeting, etc.

2Press the jog lever.

The alarm setting mode will be displayed in the display window.

￿￿￿ALARM ￿￿￿￿

￿ON ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

￿OFF ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

3Press the jog lever up or down to select "ON".

If "ON" has already been selected, follow the next steps.

4Press the jog lever.

"DATE" will be displayed in the

display window.

Jog lever


￿￿￿ALARM ￿￿￿￿


￿￿DATE￿ ￿ ￿

1 Select the message you want to play


3 Set the alarm date and time.


For more information about selecting the

To play back on a desired date

desired message, see step 1 and 2 of

1 Press the jog lever while “DATE”

“Playing Back Messages“ on page 15.

is flashing.



The year digits will flash.


￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿S P


2 Enter the alarm setting mode.

1Press MENU button.

The menu mode will be displayed in the display window.

￿￿￿ALARM ￿￿￿￿

￿1999Y ￿8M ￿6D


2Press the jog lever up or down to select the year digits and press the jog lever.

The month digits will flash.


￿MODE ￿￿￿￿SP ￿


If “ALARM“ is not selected after pressing MENU button, press the jog lever up or down to select “ALARM“.

￿￿￿ALARM ￿￿￿￿

￿1999Y ￿8M ￿6D


3Set the month, day, and the time in sequence, then press the jog lever.


Page 30
Image 30
Sony ICD-MS1 Playing Back a Message at a Desired Time with an Alarm, Alarm OFF, Alarm Date, Alarm 1999Y 8M 6D 704, Mode SP