M4557 - Model 9210 Nitriding Controller
Span Output 2
Enter measured output current (mA) | Calibrate |
| Skip |
| Next |
| DONE |
The next screen is the Span Output 2 screen. This screen will allow the user to set the span value for Output 2. Measured at terminals
The next screen indicates that the calibration process is complete.
Full Calibration
This screen is used by SSi personnel, and it is a longer version of the User Calibration menu.
Set Menu Security
This menu allows the user to set the security level for all of the menu screens to one of three levels:
1.Operator – Lowest Level, No Pass code Required
2.Supervisor – Middle Level, Level 1 Pass code Required
3.Administrator – Highest Level, Level 2 Pass code Required.
The menu items with security levels are:
Menu Item | Security Level |
Program Edit | Supervisor |
Auxiliary Instruments | Operator |
Auxiliary Analog Input | Operator |
Shutdown | Operator |
9210 Date and Time | Supervisor |
Slave Communications Status | Supervisor |
Manual Event Control | Supervisor |
PID Loop Setup | Administrator |
Event Run Program Setup | Administrator |
Zone/Load TC Setup | Administrator |
Port Setup | Administrator |
Instrument Setup | Administrator |
Zone Assignments | Administrator |
Furnace Setup | Administrator |
Default Wait Limits | Administrator |
Furnace Name | Administrator |
Alarm Setup | Administrator |
Relay Assignments | Administrator |
Relay Setpoints | Administrator |
Analog Input Setup | Administrator |
Analog Output Setup | Administrator |
Passcode and Alarm | Administrator |
IP Address | Administrator |
Event Control | Administrator |
Valve Configuration | Administrator |
Valve Setup | Administrator |
User Calibration | Administrator |
SSi Manual SERIES | Page 36 of 36 |