The Marks/Waypoints List shows all the Marks and Waypoints that have been stored into the GPS Chart Plotter. This page also allows you to:
ICON | Allows sorting by icon type |
FIND | Searches through the Marks or Waypoints to find a point by name using the ShuttlePoint knob | |
LOCATE | Shows the position of a Mark or Waypoint on the Chart page |
EDIT | Allows you to edit a previous stored Mark or Waypoint | |
SORT | Sort the name of the Mark or Waypoint in ascending or descending order |
NEW MARK | Allows entering in Marks, editing icon type and position | |
MODE | This selection controls how the Marks or Waypoints are shown on the Chart page. Selections are: |
| a. SHOW - icon and name are shown | |
| b. ICON - only icon (no name) is shown | |
| c. HIDE - Mark or Waypoint is hidden | |
| d. SHOW ALL - All Marks or Waypoints are shown | |
| e. ICON ALL - All Icons are shown without name | |
| f. HIDE ALL - All Marks or Waypoints are hidden |
DELETE | Delete the selected point |
DEL ALL | Delete all stored points |
SEND | Sends the stored points to a external device (PC) capable of listening to NMEA WPL sentence. |
RECEIVE | Receive the points from an external device (PC) that is capable of sending NMEA WPL | |
| sentence. |
| NOTE |
The SEND and RECEIVE functions are usually used by navigation programs running on a Personal Computer example Nobeltech.
Figure 8.2 - Marks/Waypoints List
This function is very useful if you have a list of Marks that you want to enter into the GPS Chart Plotter.
1.Press [MENU]. Move the ShuttlePoint knob to highlight USER POINTS and press [ENT] or move the ShuttlePoint knob to the right.
2.Move the ShuttlePoint knob to highlight Marks/Wpts and press [ENT] or move the ShuttlePoint knob to the right.
3.The Marks/Wpts List page will be shown (see previous picture).
4.To create a new Mark, move the ShuttlePoint knob to the right to highlight NEW MARK and press [ENT].
5.To edit a field move the ShuttlePoint knob to the right to highlight EDIT and press [ENT].
6.Move the ShuttlePoint knob to highlight the field among symbol, name, Lat/Lon or Mode
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