Obstructions | Icon + Depth | Icon | Icon | Icon | Icon | Icon |
Diffusers | Icon + Depth | Icon | Icon | Icon | Icon | Icon |
Wrecks | Icon + Depth | Icon | Icon | Icon | Icon | Icon |
13.0.4 Marine Settings
To control the display on the map of the marine features.
Place Names | : Turns the Local area names On or Off. |
Names Tags | : Turns On or Off a tag for particular chart objects that either includes the Name of the chart |
| object or the Depth of an Underwater chart object. |
Nav Aids & Light Sectors: Turns the presentation of Lights, Signals, Buoys and Beacons On
Attention Areas | : Turns the displaying of Attention Areas (areas in which special attention by the mariner is |
| required because of natural or |
| or Off. |
Tides & Currents | : Turns the displaying of Tides and Currents On or Off. |
| When data/time is available, Tidal stream arrows are shown on the charts, indicating the |
| direction and strength of the Tide. If no data/time is available from the GPS or the GPS |
| Chart Plotter is not in Simulation mode, the icon on the map is generic one. The color of |
| the arrow denotes the strength of the current as follows: |
| When the GPS Chart Plotter receives a valid position fix, the Tide icons are shown on |
| the charts on the basis of the current date and time: the screen displays and changes |
| arrows as date/time changes. |
Seabed Type | : Turns the displaying of the Seabed type On or Off. |
Ports & Services | : Turns the displaying of Ports and Service icons On of Off. Areas along the shore with |
| facilities for mooring, downloading and uploading of ships, generally sheltered from waves |
| and winds. Port installations are piers, wharves, pontoons, dry docks, cranes.... |
Tracks & Routes | : Turns displaying of underwater objects On or Off. Objects are obstructions, wrecks, cable etc. |
13.0.5 Depth Settings
To control the display on the map of the depth informations.
Depth Range Min : Sets the minimum depth limit to show Depth Sounding, Bathymetric Lines and Depth Area.
Depth Range Max : Sets the max depth limit to show Depth Sounding, Bathymetric Lines and Depth Area.
13.0.6 Land Settings
To control the display on the map of the terrestrial features.
Land Elevations : Turns the displaying of Land Elevations On or Off.
Land Elevation Values : The Land Elevation areas are always shown, but it is possible to turn the displaying of Land
| Elevation On or Off. |
Roads | : Turns the displaying to roads On or Off. |
Points of interest | : Turns the displaying of Points of Information On or Off. |
CPV550 | Page 67 |