Instruction Manual


The Compatibility menu offers features that may provide en- hanced functionality with certain KVM and power products, such as’s Remote Power Switch (PCM8155HNA). These

can be left at their default values if you are not connecting the unit to a KVM or power management device.


The SNMP menu allows you to configure the SV441DUS- BI so it can be recognized and managed using industry standard Simple Network Management Protocol software.


The RADIUS server requires the IP address, the UDP port number (1812 - default or 1645)

and the shared secret. The shared secret is used to encrypt com- munications and corresponds to a shared password for the RADIUS server and the client machine. Two additional servers may be defined for backup purposes. Each server will be tried in order using the indicated number of retries and timeout period, which are configu- rable on the same page.

Remember to enable RADIUS after configuring it. While RADIUS authen- tication is enabled, the locally defined accounts on the Server Remote Control unit will not be used, except for the SSH login. However, if a user name in the form “name.local” is given at the RADIUS prompt, the system


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Image 31 SV441DUSBI instruction manual Compatibility, Snmp