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What’s new in version 1.1
Job Report Manager
Now you can generate reports on demand instead of just time. Along with
this comes the new feature of Job Management that allows the operator to
enter in the following data into the job:
Job Number
Material reference numbers for each hopper
Material lot numbers for each hopper
Material silo numbers for each hopper
The operator can start or stop a job at any time. The reports that generate
are date, time, and job number stamped for easy recording.
New Configuration Options
Now you can save the configuration to a specified location for either
backup purposes or for distribution to others who have A3 and would like to
look at the same data that you are. Another new feature is the ability to
load a configuration file from a specified location for restore purposes or to
quickly program a new computer.
Tip of the Day
Tip of the Day is a small window that is displayed when the program boots.
The operator can scroll through the tips by selecting “Next Tip”. Enough
information is given in these tips to train most operators on the software.
This feature can be turned off by deselecting the “Show this at startup” box.
If you desire to turn it back on just select “Tip of the Day” under the “Help”
What’s new in version 2.0
Sterling SGB Communications Driver
Now you can communicate with any SGB blender. The limitations are the
same as the with the AEC OS/OA blenders. Up to 1000 units can be
networked over an Ethernet network. The system can also communicate
with both the AEC units and the Sterling units at the same time over the
same network cable.