Setting the system back to defaults
The system can be set back to the original defaults by selecting “File/Set Config to Default” from the dropdown menu. This should be used with caution.
Saving the configuration
The configuration file is automatically saved when you exit the program, but in case the power is removed from the computer, the configuration file will not be saved. For this reason it is a good idea to save the configuration from time to time when you are configuring large systems. This is not necessary to do on smaller networks. If you are done configuring A3 then you should always save the configuration as well. To save the configuration select “File/Save Config” and the file will be saved.
The file can also be saved for
Opening a previously saved configuration file
The system can be quickly configured by opening a previously saved configuration. This can be done by selecting “File/Open and Load Config File” from the dropdown menu and then selecting a file to open.
The location of the configuration file
The A3 configuration file is always named “a3_system_config.cfg” and is located in the installation path. By default the file will be found in “c:\program files\a3 system management software\a3_system_config.cfg” and is approximately 256 kb in size (depending on your configuration), but can be much larger.
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