Frequently Asked Questions
•How many units can A3 integrate? 1000 units, of which 255 can be the older proprietary units.
•What minimum software version do I need to have on blenders and weigh hoppers in order to communicate with A3?
Older Proprietary HydReclaim OS/OA software
*NOTE: if being used with newer AB OS/OA equipment you need to purchase the Ethernet option for each blender if it wasn’t purchased when you bought the blender (Ethernet
•What are the system requirements for the PC?
PII 750MHZ minimum processor speed (P4 recommended) Windows XP operating system (service pack 1 installed) Internet Explorer 6.0
30GB minimum hard drive space (60GB recommended) 128MB minimum RAM (512 MB DDR Ram recommended) CDROM drive
Video card capable of 1024x768x16bit color (32bit color recommended) 10Mbps Ethernet (100Mbps recommended)
1 USB slot
Standard Ink Jet Printer (if you are going to print the reports)
•What kind of cable do I need to purchase for connecting all of my machinery together? For AEC AB OS/OA and Sterling SGB equipment you will need CAT5 cable and if you don’t already have a LAN in your facility you will need to add one by purchasing an Ethernet Hub or Switch from any store that sells Ethernet equipment. For older HydReclaim OS/OA/OL/OFC equipment you will need a
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