Chapter 2 The Cluster Platform 4500/3 System 23
The terminal concentrator opens an editing session and displays an editing
config.annex file.
9. Type the following information into the config.annex file; replace the following
variable with the IP address obtained from your network administrator.
10. Enter the <ctrl>w command to save changes and exit the config.annex file.
11. Enable access to all ports, and reboot the terminal concentrator.
Note – After 90 seconds, the terminal concentrator and all ports will be accessible
from outside the subnet. Use the command usr/sbin/ping -I 5
to determine when the terminal concentrator is ready to be used.
Caution – The following steps display critical information for configuring the
cluster nodes. Use the “Ethernet IP Address Worksheet”on page 8 to collect the
Ethernet addresses. Consult your system administrator to obtain the IP addresses
and node names for your cluster devices.
Note – Make sure all network interfaces for node 1 and node 2 are attached to the
production network. (See Figure2-3 on page 12 for connection details.)
net default gateway metric 1 active
Ctrl-W: save and exit Ctrl-X: exit Ctrl-F: page down Ctrl-B:
page up
annex# admin
Annex administration MICRO-XL-UX R7.0.1, 8 ports
admin: port all
admin: set port mode slave
You may need to reset the appropriate port, Annex subsystem
or reboot the Annex for changes to take effect.
admin: quit
annex#: boot
bootfile: <CR>
warning: <CR>
*** Annex ( shutdown message from port v1 ***
Annex ( going down IMMEDIATELY