xCluster Platform 4500/3 User’s Guide July 2001
Typographic Conventions
SunStorEdge Component Manager 2.1 Release
Notes 806-4814
Server cabinet
(expansion rack) storage Sun StorEdge Expansion Cabinet Installation
and Service Manual 805-3067
Expansion cabinet Sun StorEdge Expansion Cabinet Installation
and Service Manual 805-3067
Sun StorEdge FC-100 Hub Installation
and Service Manual 805-0315
Configuringdata services Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Installation and
ConfigurationGuide 806-1421
Development Sun Cluster 3.0 System Developers’ Guide 806-1422
Administering global
devices and cluster file
Sun Cluster 3.0 System Administrator’sGuide 806-1423
Concepts Sun Cluster 3.0 Concepts 806-1424
Errormessages Sun Cluster 3.0 ErrorMessages 806-1426
Release Notes Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes 806-1428
Symbol Meaning Examples
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files,
and directories;on-screen
computer output
Edit your .login file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
AaBbCc123 What you type, when
contrasted with on-screen
computer output
AaBbCc123 Booktitles, new words or terms,
wordsto be emphasized Read Chapter 6 in the User’sGuide.
These are called class options.
You must be superuser to do this.
Command-linevariable; replace
with a realname or value To delete a file, type rm filename.
Application Title PartNumber