5.Add the calibration weight to the weigh hopper and write down the value displayed in “weight”, as in step 4.
6.Subtract the values recorded in step 4 from step 5. This is the measured weight. If the measured weight is within a 0.003 pounds of the weight stamped on the calibration weight, then you are within spec. If not, follow the steps above to calibrate the rate monitor. (If your rate monitor is frequently out of calibration, verify the operator is being cautious removing the weigh hopper.)
7.Press “Done” until you have reached the Recipe screen.
8.***Anything in the Diagnostics Menu that is not covered here is in the Detailed Controller Setup Section***
WTP/RPM Calibration Page
This page is used to monitor the lbs/hr per RPM analyzer and is used as a tool for tuning the WTP Algorithm Options mentioned later in this book.
Hopper Size Setup
The weigh hopper size is factory set. In may be necessary, however, to change this value due to varying bulk densities of material.
1.Enter the Setup Menu.
2.Select “Hopper Setup”
3.Enter the required size for the weigh hopper (should be close to full)
4.Set the refill percentage to 50%.
5.Press done to return the setup menu.
Figure 17: Hopper Setup
Chapter 3: Installation | 33 of 60 |