types, 19
nvedit command, 189 nvstore command, 189
OpenBoot Diagnostics software, 72 OpenBoot firmware, 48
version, 11 OpenBoot PROM variables
boot-device, 48 diag-switch?, 179 operating system software
installing, 19
loading over a network, 59 options, installing, 16
parallel port, 3 characteristics, 101 location, 7
pin and signal specifications, 210 parity, 4, 35, 65, 89
parts, shipped to you, 14
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) buses, 2, 84 to 85
configuration guidelines, 84 to 85 parity protection, 65
slot characteristics, 85 card
configuration guidelines, 84 to 85 device name, 49
frame buffer card, 36 slot characteristics, 85 slot locations, 7, 85 tape drive, 3
types, 2 host adapters, 2
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) See PCI card, PCI buses
pkgadd utility, 198 pkginfo command, 197
error reporting, 181 how to use, 179 overview, 166
LED indicator, 10 turning off, 61 turning on, 40, 44
power cord, AC, when to disconnect, 120 power supply, 6
configuration guidelines, 95 default, 6
display, 6
fault monitoring, 67
hot swap capability, 3, 68, 96 LEDs, 95
output capacity, 95 redundancy, 3, 68, 95 troubleshooting, 195
RAID (redundant arrays of independent disks), See disk configuration
reconfiguration boot, 136 recovery of console, 178
reliability, availability, and serviceability, 64 to 70 reset command, 50
RSC (Remote System Control) access from the PC, 74 card, 107
described, 74 features, 70, 74, 107 firmware, 12 jumpers, 108 monitoring, 108 ports, 107 software, 12, 110 software features, 110
Index 225