About the Sun Fire 280R Server Software
The Sun Fire 280R server requires the Solaris 8 Hardware 1/01 Operating Environment or later compatible versions. Together, the Solaris 8 Operating Environment and the server’s OpenBoot™ firmware (version 4.0.xx) support a suite of server management, server monitoring, server configuration, and device validation and management tools that extend the reliability, availability, and serviceability features. Used with the Remote System Control (RSC) card, you can control these features
The Solaris 8 Operating Environment software supports the following tools.
■Server management software that includes:
■Sun™ Management Center, which provides a single solution for monitoring and managing multiple Sun servers and systems, devices, and network resources from a single remote system.
■Solaris Resource Manager™, which controls resource allocation to applications, users, and user groups (Solaris Resource Manager is not bundled
with Solaris 8).
■Solaris™ Bandwidth Manager, which extends resource management control to the network software.
■Solaris Management Console™, which provides a consistent,
■Solaris 8 implementation of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) specifications for the Internet Protocol Security Architecture, which allows administrators to create and control secure encrypted networks and
■Internet Protocol Network MultiPathing (IPMP) alternate pathing software, which enables failover or redirection of network traffic among PCI networking cards.
■A Solaris Live Upgrades feature, which executes server reconfiguration and upgrades to the Solaris 8 Operating Environment while Solaris is running. This feature includes dynamically adding new code to the Solaris 8 Operating Environment kernel.
■Sun Validation Test Suite (SunVTS™), which provides a comprehensive system validation and test suite designed to support Sun hardware platforms and peripherals.
■Sun Remote System Control (RSC) software, which supports both a graphical and a