Sunbeam DF4500 Felafel, Corn fritters, Kofte Potatoes, Recipes for your Deep Fryer continued

Models: DF4500

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Recipes for your Deep Fryer continued


1 ½ cup dried chickpeas, washed

1 onion chopped ½ tsp chilli powder

1 teaspoon cumin, ground

½teaspoon coriander, ground 2 cloves garlic

3 teaspoons lemon juice

¼cup freshly chopped flat leaf parsley

½cup besan flour (chickpea)


1.Soak chickpeas overnight, drain.

2.Place chickpeas in a saucepan with 1lt water, simmer for 1 hour.

3.Blend the chickpeas with the rest of the ingredients in a food processor. Chilli mixture.

4.Heat oil on settings 8-10. Shape felafel into 4cm balls and fry 8- 10 at a time for 3-4 minutes.

5.Sever hot or cold with hummus and Lebanese bread.

Corn fritters

Makes about 12

¾ cup self raising flour

Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 egg, lightly beaten

¹⁄³ cup milk

300g can corn kernels, drained

1.Shift flour, salt and pepper into a bowl.

2.Combine egg and milk.

3.Using a mixer, gradually add milk mix to the dry ingredients and beat until smooth. Add corn to mix.

4.Heat the oil on settings 8-10. Drop batter by the tablespoonful into the hot oil and fry till golden, about 5-7 minutes.

Kofte Potatoes

500g potatoes, cooked, mashed

2 eggs

¹⁄³ cup desiccated coconut

1 cup grated parmesan cheese

Salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 tbsp flour

2 eggs, lightly beaten

1 cup dried breadcrumbs

1.Combine the first five ingredients.

2.Coat 1 tbsp of the mixture in flour, then egg mix and then in breadcrumbs.

3.Heat oil on settings 8-10 and fry 6 - 8 at a time till golden, about 4-5 minutes.

Note: for something different use sweet potato or pumpkin in place of the potato.


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Sunbeam DF4500 manual Felafel, Corn fritters, Kofte Potatoes, Recipes for your Deep Fryer continued