Email: Choose whether you want the email function enabled or disabled here.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer): A form of security encryption often employed on the Internet. Contact your email provider to learn if they support or require SSL to be enabled. If you’re using Gmail, set this to ENABLE.
SMTP Port: The port your email server receives data through. For the vast maority of email servers, you’ll need to use port 25 - however, some exceptions to this rule exist. Again, contact your email provider if you’re unsure. For Gmail use port 465.
SMTP Server: The outgoing email server you’re using. Remember that many email servers aren’t compatible with the automatically generated emails that the DVR cre- ates. For Gmail, use smtp.gmail.com
Sender: The address the email will be sent “from”. Often, you’ll need to use your user- name @ your server to verify it’s you (or, rather, your electronic representitive) sending the email. For Gmail users, this will be your_username@gmail.com
Password: If your email provider requires a password to send mail from your ac- count, enter it here. Gmail users, this will be the same password you use to access the gmail account.
Receiver: The email address you want the automatic emails to go to. We suggest cre- ating a seperate email account for this, as there may be many email alerts, depending on how much motion occurs around your DVR and how long your Interval setting is.
Interval: How often the DVR will send
TEST: Sends an email immediately, so you can check that your settings are working. If you don’t receive an email, it might be that your Receiver email address has a spam filter - check the Junkmail folder, the automatically generated emails often wind up in there.
50Remember: After making changes to the settings press/click the APPLY button.