Codec C90
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The Phone book server settings
Phonebook Server [1..
5] ID:
0, 64>
Enter a name for the external phonebook. Addresses the specific phonebook. Format: String with a maximum of 64 characters.
Example: Phonebook Server 1 ID: “”
Administrator Guide
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Provisioning ExternalManager Protocol:
Determines whether or not to use secure management.
HTTP: Set to HTTP to disable secure management. Requires HTTP to be enabled in the Network Services HTTP Mode setting.
HTTPS: Set to HTTPS to enable secure management. Requires HTTPS to be enabled in the Network Services HTTPS Mode setting.
Example: Provisioning ExternalManager Protocol: http
Phonebook Server [1..
5] URL:
0, 255>
Enter the address (URL) to the external phonebook server. Addresses the specific phonebook server. Format: String with a maximum of 255 characters.
Example: Phonebook Server 1 URL: “http://tms.company.com/tms/public/external/ phonebook/phonebook.asmx”
The Provisioning settings
Provisioning Mode:
Provides the possibility of managing the codec (endpoint) by using an external manager/management system.
Off: The system will not try to register to any management system.
TMS: If set to TMS the system will try to register with a TMS server as described in Provisioning ExternalManager settings. TMS is short for TANDBERG Management System. Please contact your TANDBERG representative for more information.
Example: Provisioning Mode: TMS
Provisioning ExternalManager Address:
0, 64>
If an External Manager address and a path is configured, the system will post an HTTP message to this address when starting up. When receiving this HTTP posting the External Manager (typically a management system) can return configurations/commands to the unit as a result. If the DHCP Option 242 is returned in the DHCP response from the DHCP server the system will interpret this as the External Manager address to use.
Specifies the IP Address to the External Manager/Management system. Format: String with a maximum of 64 characters.
Example: Provisioning ExternalManager Address: “”
Provisioning ExternalManager Path:
0, 255>
If an External Manager address and a path is configured, the system will post an HTTP message to this address when starting up. When receiving this HTTP posting the External Manager (typically a management system) can return configurations/commands to the unit as a result. If the DHCP Option 242 is returned in the DHCP response from the DHCP server the system will interpret this as the External Manager address to use.
Specifies the path to the External Manager/Management system.
Example: tms/public/external/management/SystemManagementService.asmx
Format: String with a maximum of 255 characters.
Example: Provisioning ExternalManager Path: “”
The Serial port settings
SerialPort BaudRate:
Specify the baud rate (bps) on the COM port (data port). The default value is 38400.
Other default parameters for the COM port are: Parity: None Databits: 8 Stopbits: 1 Flow control: None.
Valid inputs for baud rate: 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200
Example: SerialPort BaudRate: 38400
SerialPort LoginRequired:
The Serial Login setting determines whether or not there should be a login when connecting to the COM port (data port).
On: Login is required when connecting to the COM port (data port).
Off: The user can access the COM port (data port) without any login.
Example: SerialPort LoginRequired: Off
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