Section 8.2 - Advanced timecode functions

The park position can be viewed, and set manually in the following way:

1)From menu group 4, move the cursor to Park Posi, and press SELECT.

P a r k P o s i t i o n

M a c h i n e 1





o f f

0 0 s 0 0 f

3 0 D F

2)If the cursor is moved to the time field, it can be edited with the UP and DOWN keys.

Alternatively, the numeric keypad can be used to enter a numerical value directly, and entered with the SHIFT + ENTER/LOAD combination. Any values for hours and minutes which are entered will be discarded.

The maximum value for the park position setting is 2 seconds minus 1 frame.

As well as the manual setting described above, it is also possible to test the system and set this value automatically:

1)From menu group 4, move the cursor to Park Posi, and press SELECT.

P a r k P o s i t i o n

M a c h i n e 1





o f f

0 1 s 1 3 f

3 0 D F

2)Play and stop the master unit.

3)If chase mode is off on the slave DA-98, turn it on.

4)Use the UP or DOWN key to turn the TEST from off to on.

The DA-98 will now start to rewind so that the rel- ative difference is zero. Wait until the DA-98 tape

has stopped before proceeding with the next step.

5) Play the master unit.

The park position value shown in the display screen will change as the park position is calcu-

lated. Wait until the value has stabilized before proceeding to the next step.

6)Turn the TEST parameter from on to off using the UP or DOWN key.

The value which has just been calculated will be stored as the new park position. Lockups to time- code should now take place quickly and easily.

8.2.9Individual recording status while chasing timecode

98The default action for slave DTRS units is to follow the recording status of the master. How- ever, if DA-98s are being used as slave units, and they are chasing using timecode rather than ABS sync, it is possible to set them so that their record- ing status can be turned on and off individually. For further details regarding this function, see sec- tion 10.7.11 of the DA-98 manual.

1)From menu group 4, move the cursor to TcChs Rec, and press SELECT:

T C C h a s e I n d i v .

R e c


e n a b l e



d i s a b l e » » » » »


M a c h i n e 1 2 3 4

5 6





2)Use the cursor keys to enable (allow individual recording while chasing timecode) or disable this facility (the slave follows the master status for each machine in the chain).

8.2.10 Video resolve

98The timecode clock of a DA-98 may be set to resolve to a video signal received at the unit’s VIDEO IN terminal. This means that the time- code frame boundaries will be aligned with the frame boundaries as received in the video signal.

This is a completely different function to the syn- chronization of the word clock to video (see 7.2.6, “Clock selection”).

In addition, if video resolve is enabled, the unit can be set to track the frame boundaries constantly and rechase if it drops out of sync (re-sync), or can be set to a “lock and forget” mode (free), in a sim- ilar way to the rechase options available for time- code (see 8.2.5, “Rechase mode”). In re-sync mode, output will be muted while the unit changes speed to match frame boundaries.

See section 10.6 of the DA-98 manual for further details regarding this function.


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Image 54
Tascam RC-898 owner manual Individual recording status while chasing timecode, Video resolve, Play the master unit