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| List of Tables |
1 | USB Host Controller Registers | 12 |
2 | OHCI Revision Number Register (HCREVISION) Field Descriptions | 13 |
3 | HC Operating Mode Register (HCCONTROL) Field Descriptions | 14 |
4 | HC Command and Status Register (HCCOMMANDSTATUS) Field Descriptions | 15 |
5 | HC Interrupt and Status Register (HCINTERRUPTSTATUS) Field Descriptions | 16 |
6 | HC Interrupt Enable Register (HCINTERRUPTENABLE) Field Descriptions | 17 |
7 | HC Interrupt Disable Register (HCINTERRUPTDISABLE) Field Descriptions | 18 |
8 | HC HCAA Address Register (HCHCCA) Field Descriptions | 19 |
9 | HC Current Periodic Register (HCPERIODCURRENTED) Field Descriptions | 19 |
10 | HC Head Control Register (HCCONTROLHEADED) Field Descriptions | 20 |
11 | HC Current Control Register (HCCONTROLCURRENTED) Field Descriptions | 21 |
12 | HC Head Bulk Register (HCBULKHEADED) Field Descriptions | 22 |
13 | HC Current Bulk Register (HCBULKCURRENTED) Field Descriptions | 22 |
14 | HC Head Done Register (HCDONEHEAD) Field Descriptions | 23 |
15 | HC Frame Interval Register (HCFMINTERVAL) Field Descriptions | 23 |
16 | HC Frame Remaining Register (HCFMREMAINING) Field Descriptions | 24 |
17 | HC Frame Number Register (HCFMNUMBER) Field Descriptions | 24 |
18 | HC Periodic Start Register (HCPERIODICSTART) Field Descriptions | 25 |
19 | HC | 26 |
20 | HC Root Hub A Register (HCRHDESCRIPTORA) Field Descriptions | 27 |
21 | HC Root Hub B Register (HCRHDESCRIPTORB) Field Descriptions | 28 |
22 | HC Root Hub Status Register (HCRHSTATUS) Field Descriptions | 29 |
23 | HC Port 1 Status and Control Register (HCRHPORTSTATUS1) Field Descriptions | 30 |
24 | HC Port 2 Status and Control Register (HCRHPORTSTATUS2) Field Descriptions | 32 |
| List of Tables | 5 |
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