Step 2: Designate a Capture Schedule
Once connected, the next step is to create a capture schedule for your IP cam. To do this, enter the correct information into the Schedule window.
Let’s take a closer look at each field:
Schedule Stat: To enable the scheduling function, click Enable.
If the scheduling function is set to Disable, images from any connected IP cameras will not be saved onto the N199.
Frequency: Here, you can set the frequence of the schedule to either Daily or Weekly. When set to Daily, images will be captured every day at the designated time. When set to Weekly, you can have the IP camera capture images at certain days of the week (i.e Monday to Friday).
Start Time: Choose the start day and time for image capture. If you’ve selected a Daily frequency, you will be unable to select the start day as the IP camera will be set to capture images every day.
End Time: Chosse the end day and time for image capture. If you’ve selected a Daily frequency, you will be unable to select the end day as the IP camera will be set to capture images every day.
Once you are finished, click Apply to enable your new schedule.