3.3Local time setting 21
Youcannot fully enjoy wide-screen programmes with your
normal-screentelevision as the above figures show. The left
figureshows a normal picture displayed in the normal screen.
Towatch wide-screen programmes in the shape like the centre
figure,set the 16:9 Display Format option to Letter Box. Wide-
screenpictures then will be reduced to fit to the width of the
normalscreen. Otherwise,to watch them in the shape like the
rightfigure, set it to Center extract. Wide-screen pictures then
willbe cut out on the left and right sides equally to fit to the
widthof the normal screen.
3.2.5 Soundmode
Basically,there are two audio sourcesas you can find two audio
socketson the back panel of the digital receiver. You can enjoy
onlyone source or both of them in either stereo or mono. Set
theSound Mode option as you desire.
Apartfrom this setting, you can change the sound mode with
the button. See§ 5.2.4 for detailed description.
3.3 Local time settingYoushould set your local time for timer events. If you do not
setthe local time right, the programme time table provided by
theprogramme guide may be distrustful. Forthe programme
guide,refer to § 5.3.