6.5Editing channel data on your computer 55
6.5.2 Editingtelevision and radio services listToedit the television services list, first select the View
vicemenu item. Thenthe television services list is displayed
andrelated menus become enabled.
Todelete a service entry, choose your desiredservice entry at
theTV Servicelist, and press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Whena confirmation dialog box appears, the selected service
entrywill be deleted by pressing the Yes button on it.
Checkingthe CAS check box designates a selected service entry
asa pay service. Ifthere is a service that you want to prevent
yourchildren from watching, select it and check the Lock check
Toedit the radio services list, first select the View
Servicemenu item. Howto edit is the same as in editing the
televisionservices list.