6.2Editing the favourite list 49
Todelete a group, put the highlight bar on the group entry
youwant and press the button;then a message box appears
askingyou for confirmation. Ifyou select Yes, it will be deleted.
Youcan add a favourite service to a group by taking the follow-
Put the highlight bar on a desired group entry in the
grouplist and press the
buttonto select it. The high-
lightbar then moves to the services list.
Toadd a service to the selected group, put the highlight
baron a desired service entry and press the
Theselected service entry gets added to the favourite list.
Repeatthis step to add more entries.
Pressthe buttonand the highlight bar get moved to
thefavourite list. Youcan delete a favourite entry with
OK button.
Toselect another group, press the button again. By
pressingthe button,the highlight bar gets moved to
Besides,you can rearrange a group’s favourites by moving a
favouriteentry. To move a favourite entry,put the highlight bar
onthe favourite entry you want and press the button;then
the selected entry becomes dark. Move it to a desired place
andpress the
OK button.
Toadd radio services, press the button; then radio service
entries get listed in the services list. To recall the television
services list after adding radio services, press the button
Withyour favourite services list, you can select your favourite
servicesmore easily. Refer to § 5.2.2 for detailed description.