38 DailyUsage
Selectyour desired tuner at the Tuner option, then only
services provided through the selected tuner will be
Bysetting the Show Provider option to On, you can view
serviceentries by groups of broadcasters.
Tochange the name of the highlighted service, select the
Rename option; then the on-screen keyboard appears,
withwhich you can enter a new name. See
6.3for how
touse the on-screen keyboard.
Youcan prevent other family members fromwatching the
highlightedservice by setting the Lock option to Locked.
Youhave to enter your personal identification number to
watchor unlock it.
Todelete the highlighted service, select the Delete option;
then you areasked for confirmation. If you select Yes,
it will be deleted. If you want to restore it as before,
youhave to perform service search again. See§ 4.1.4 for
Toadd the highlighted service into a favourite group,
selectthe Add to Fav option; then the favourite groups
will be displayed. Put the highlight bar on a desired
groupand press the
OK button.
Youcan additionally sort the services list with the Sorting
optionas follows:
Default byservice number
Alphabetic byservice name
Satellite bysatellite
FTA–CAS fromfree services to pay services
CAS–FTA frompay services to free services
Provider bybroadcaster
fromfavourite services to unfavourite ser-