40 DailyUsage
button. To create a new group, press the button; then
theon-screen keyboard appears. Enter your desired name and
save it. See
6.3 for how to use the on-screenkeyboard. To
deletea group or a service, press the button; then you get
askedfor confirmation. Ifyou select Yes, it will be deleted.
5.2.3 Viewing programme informationPressingthe buttondisplays the information box, on which
youcan see all of the following:
• Servicenumber and name
• Transmittingsatellite
• Receivingtuner
• Transponderinformation
• Signallevel and quality
• Programmename
• Programmeclassification symbol
• Programmesummary
• Broadcastingtime
• Currenttime
Inaddition, you might see the following symbols:
Subtitlesymbol ( )if subtitle tracks are provided on the
Teletextsymbol ( )if teletext pages are provided on the
• Lock symbol ( )if the current service is locked.
• Dollar symbol ($) if the current service is a pay service.
Multifeedsymbol ( ) if the current programmeis pro-
vided as a multifeed programme. To use this feature,
referto § 5.4.
Pressingthe buttononce more displays detailed informa-
tion about the current programme. To hide the information
box,press the
EXIT button.