62 Recordingand Playing
7.1.2 Current programme recording
Youcan record the current pro-
gramme including the bits that
you have already watched as
long as you have not changed
services at all. To do so, select
theRecording menu.
Youcan record two services at the same time. Set the Record
Nooption to distinguish two recordings.
Setthe Satellite option to the satellite which transmits the ser-
viceyou want. Pressingthe
buttonon this option displays
asatellite list, from which you can select your desired satellite.
Setthe Ser vice option to the service which providesthe pro-
gramme you want. Pressing the
button on this option
displaysa services list, from which you can select your desired
Tostart recording immediately from now on, set the Start Time
option to Quick. If you are watching a programme by time
shiftand wish to record it from the beginning, set this option
toCurrent Event.
Setthe Duration option to a desired time, in which the recording
willbe finished.
buttonon the File Name option displays the
on-screenkeyboard, with which you can specify a file name
forthe timer recording. If you do not specify anything, it will
benamed after the service name. See
6.3for how to use the