6.5Editing channel data on your computer 57
To add a favourite group,
select the Function
Add New Fav
Groupmenu item. Thenyou
will see a dialog box like
the left figure. Enter your
desired name into the Fa-
voriteGroup Name text box
to name a new group. If
youmake a radio favourite
group, select the Radio op-
Toadd services to the new group, choose your desired services
at the All Service list box on the left of the screen, and then
pressthe right arrow button (
) on the center of the screen.
Thenthe selected services will be added to the new group. To
remove a service entry from the group, pressthe left arrow
button (
) after choosing one. Pressing the OK button will
createyour new favourite group.
Tomodify a favourite group, select the Function
Edit Current FavGroup menu item. How to modify is the
sameas in adding a favourite group.