44 DailyUsage
Youcan jump backward 10 seconds at a time by pressing
the button.
Youcan change playback speed. Forslow motion see
§7.3.2. For fast motion see § 7.3.3.
Tocheck your current position in time shift, press the
button. The time difference compared to live pro-
grammeis displayed momentarily in top right corner of
screen. A value of
02:00 means two minutes behind
• To make a recording of what is in time shift, see § 7.1.5.
To end time shift, press the button. Thelive pro-
grammewill be presented.
Whentime shift option is disabled and pause is kept for more
than10 seconds, the time shift feature will be switched on to
stopyou loosing part of the programme. Insuch case it will
remainenabled until you change services.
5.6 Using picture in pictureYou can watch two services
at the same time with one of
thempresented in a sub-screen.
We call this feature picture-in-
The instructions on how to use
thepicture-in-picture feature are
Press the buttonto display a sub-screen, on which
anotherservice will be presented.