30 ServiceSearch
Choose your desiredsatellite at the Satellite Name op-
Select the tuner that is connected to the motorized an-
tennaat the Tuner Select option.
3. Set the DiSEqC Command Mode option to User.
Setthe Motor Control option to Goto. Thenthe antenna
will turn towardyour selected satellite by the position
datathat the digital receiver has.
Ifthe receiving quality, which is displayed at the bottom
rightof the screen, is not good, tune the antenna finely
withthe Movement option. If you set it to 2(E), the an-
tennawill move to the east by two degrees. Atthis time
youhad better check the receiving quality of every trans-
ponderand choose the best one at the Transponder (or
Frequency)option. It will be helpful to your fine tuning.
Finallyset the Motor Control option to Store to save the
tunedposition when the receiving quality is best.
There aremore motor control options for installers, but this
guidedoes not describe them. Ifyou are an installer, refer them
tothe manual about the STAB rotor.
4.1.3 Configuring USALS settingsUSALS(Universal Satellite Automatic Location System), also
knownas DiSEqC 1.3, calculates the positions of all available
satellitesfrom your location. Comparedto DiSEqC 1.2, it is no
longer requiredto manually search and store every satellite
position. Just pointing to a known satellite position is enough.
Thisposition will act as a central point. TheUSALS will then
calculatepositions of visible satellites.